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Aug 23, 20248 min read
WTFBT Expanded: Ayers Civil War
The Ayers Civil War, a tragic chapter in the history of the Riverlands, unfolded from 324 to 335 SM. It tore apart the family of King Yahya
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May 14, 20245 min read
WTFBT Expanded: Zilaidat
Zilaidat is a large city island in the northwest of Ihphy's Archipelago.
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May 11, 20248 min read
WTFBT Anthology: Josef Wayward | 505 SM
Alice is gone, and Josef wants to do everything to bring his sister back. But what can a ten-year-old do against the Kingdom of Valley Pine
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May 11, 20241 min read
Welcome to the When the Fires Broke Through Blog!
Hello everyone! The WTFBT blog allows everyone to read additional information about the WTFBT universe for free from the source!
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